Students on Way  to Dug-out after the

Air Raid Alarm has Sounded


Take a good look at this picture.  It realistically portrays what took place sometimes thrice daily on the Wuchow hillside.


            We required all classes to disband as soon as the alert air alarm was sounded and proceed at once to the tunnel which had been dug in the hillside.  It was only about a five minute walk from our School building, and as you can see, was well hidden by trees and shrubs.


            The tunnel ran deep into the hillside having two entrances to protect us against bomb blasts.  As soon as the planes were heard we went into the tunnel, each one with a mat or piece of paper to sit on.  Soon the sound of the droning planes seemed to fill the tunnel.  The bursting of the bombs was always followed by a great swishing noise.  In fact all sounds seemed to take on a new character when we were inside.  We were so grateful that no bombs fell close to our hide-out.  It was strange too, how quiet everyone was while inside; even the very small children who came in with us kept perfectly quiet during air raids.


            In the midst of the bombing we often prayed for those who were not so well protected as ourselves and for Christian friends and property.  Then also, there was always the committing of oneself to the Lord.  Trials certainly should bring greater fellowship, if the heart is right with God.  

“‘Tis so safe to walk with Jesus,

Leaning hard upon His Arm,

Following closely where He leads us,

None can hurt and naught can harm.”

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