Application Guide: “Blessed are the Pure in Heart…”


Oct. 24th, 2004: Joe Bartemus, Pastor of Adult Education, continued the preaching of the Beatitudes, addressing the sixth Beatitude (Matt. 5:8). Pastor Bartemus started his sermon with a brief overview of all the Beatitudes to compliment the structure Kimber laid before the congregation last week. He stated that the first four beatitudes revealed the hearts of those living in the kingdom of God, while the last four described their ethic.


1.      Joe mentioned that Jesus’ goal of the Beatitudes was not to make a new group of Pharisees who follow “8 Blesseds” rather than 10 Commandments.

a.      If this is the case, then how are we to view living by the Beatitudes?

b.      How do we become a people that live in the flow of godliness rather than merely perform a checklist of rules?


2.      Pastor Bartemus stated, “The key to kingdom living is Jesus Christ.”

a.      At the beginning of each day, how are you examining your life so that Christ may be glorified and reflected in you?

b.      What does it look like to rely on God’s strength? How can you become a person who depends on Him?


3.      “Pure in heart.”

a.      A question of introspection: Have you laid down other allegiances and affections that get in the way of love for Christ? What idols (things or people) in your life are fighting to take the place of Christ?

b.      How does one have a single allegiance to Jesus in all areas of life? What does a “single allegiance to Jesus” look like in one’s everyday life?


4.      “…For they shall see God.”

a.      Why do you come to church?

b.      Do you come to church to see God? How do you see God at church?  In your flock group?


5.      Pastor Bartemus provided some examples of purity of heart through three Old Testament examples: Psalm 24:3-4, Joseph (Gen. 39), and Daniel (Dan. 6).

a.      Joe defined purity as having no hidden agenda or façade. In your relationships, how do you strive to be open and vulnerable? What does it take to become a person who doesn’t wear a mask?

b.      Pastor Joe described purity as an innocent child. What should childlike faith look like in a mature adult (Mt. 18:1-4)? Does one have to be naïve in order to be innocent and pure (Mt. 10:16; Phil. 4:8)?

c.      From Joseph’s example, we see that when we choose to sin, we are really saying, “Seeing God isn’t that big of a deal.” Let that sink in for a bit…What areas of your life are your currently choosing to turn your back on God? What repenting needs to be done in order to claim forgiveness and renew your relationship with God (1 Jn. 1:9)?