Application Guide: “Making the Most of Your Time in 2005”


            Jan., 2nd, 2005: Randy Patten, Executive Director of NANC gave a highly applicational message to help us start the New Year right. Beginning with Eph. 5:15-17, Randy provided six main principles to direct us in making the most of the New Year. He also provided some cautions to help us see the great need there is for us to consider the way we spend our time.


  1. How has technology (the light bulb, automobile, computer, TV, palm pilots, etc) caused a burden on our time and schedules? Let’s face it, the more stuff we have - the more upkeep it takes to care for it. The advances of technology are a part of all of our everyday lives, but how can we use them to further the Kingdom of God without becoming enslaved to materialism? For example:
    1. On your drive to work – What are some better alternatives to spending that time rather than allowing your mind to wander or mindlessly listening to the radio?
    2. Your obligations – Do you need to learn to say “no” to some of the activities people are asking you to get involved (even ministry!)? Remember, it’s easy to be busy; it’s hard to be effective. What do you need to remove out of your life so that you can grow in your spiritual walk this year?
    3. Entertainment (TV, movies, magazines, Computer) – Are you making the best use of your free time? Are disengaging your mind when the culture is communicating its ideas to you? How are you using entertainment to cultivate a biblical worldview for your family members?
    4. Your Possessions – Are there things in your closet you just need to get rid of?


  1.  Read Ps. 90:12, 1 Cor. 10:31, & 2 Cor. 5:9. How can you better glorify and worship God with every moment of your life – with even the most mundane activities like eating and drinking? How can you be more conscious about the use of your time for good?


  1. Read 2 Cor 5:10. One day, we (Christians) will all be judged by God based on how we used the gifts and resources he’s given us (cf. Lk 19:11-27; Mt 25:14-30).
    1. How can this fact (and the promise of rewards in heaven; cf. Mt. 6:18-20) serve as a motivation to make the most of your time in 2005?
    2. What can you do to grow in a mindset that is focused on eternal things?


  1. What “windows of opportunity” are you potentially missing because you are too busy or too focused on earthly things?
    1. What does your current use of discretionary time say about your value system?
    2. What are some unique “windows of opportunity” that you have right now because of your age, faithfulness in past responsibilities, and willingness to live by faith?


  1. What is ONE specific way you are going to work at making better use of your time in 2005? How can our group help you keep your commitment?


Books for further Reading (You’ve got to make time to read them though!):

            Brother Lawrence. The Practice of the Presence of God. (Follow up to question #2)

            Frazee, Randy. Making Room for Life. (Follow up to questions #1a, b, & d)

            Moore, T.M. Redeeming Pop Culture. (Follow up to question #1c)

            Piper, John. Don’t Waste Your Life (Follow up to questions #3 & 4)

            Swenson, Richard. Margin.             (Follow up to questions #1a & b)